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How to wear Irish sweaters this autumn- the ultimate guide for ladies

With autumn being just around the corner, sweater weather is on its way. From beautiful sunny September days to the freezing and rainy late November evenings, Tara’s Irish knit sweaters for women come in handy in any weather. However, they are more than just something to throw on to protect yourself from the cold weather, and soon enough we will all slowly get tired of the plain sweater-and-jeans combination and will be looking for something more trendy and fun to wear for the approaching months. Fall is the perfect time to dress up in clothing that won’t only keep you warm, but will also make you look beautiful and fashionable. If you are interested in finding out how you can match a jumper to create an inventive outfit, we would like to present you a few ways to stylize your garment this autumn to be comfy while looking chic.

Irish Sweater and Any bottoms:

Irish Aran Cardigan with Open Front Design for Ladies

Sweaters are the epitome of simple elegance. They are a very neutral garment, which makes them perfect for any mix and matches with a variety of other clothes. For a casual look, wear them with a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a small cross-body bag, or leggings, flats, and a backpack depending on where you're going and what errands you have to run. If you want to dress up your sweater, match it with a mini skirt and thigh-high boots or high heels for a more attractive and put-together outfit. Don’t forget about belts, purses, watches, and other accessories, as they are the ones that can totally transform your outfit from a plain combination of sweaters and jeans into a more sophisticated, elegant look.

Irish Sweater and Shirt:

Irish Wool Sweater with Shirt for Ladies

This combo could remind you of when you were a little kid and your mother made you wear a shirt underneath your sweater to keep you warm at school on chilly winter days. However, these days shirts can be used not only as a way to protect us from the cold, but also as a great fashion element. Wearing such a combination is especially wonderful for early fall, when it's cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon; like this, you'll be comfortable the entire day without having to lug around a heavy jacket or coat. The perfect way to wear such a combo is by pairing a black, gray, navy, or green Tara’s round neck Irish sweater with a long white or beige shirt with a collar that would stick out so that it could be seen from underneath your jumper. This tiny, but important detail will brighten up your outfit and will make it look more fun and lively on these gloomy days.

Irish Sweater and Turtleneck: 

Irish Sweater for Ladies and Turtleneck

With minimal effort and expense, this combo will make you look amazing on any fall day. Wear an oversized sweater with a thin turtleneck underneath for a layering look that's perfect for chilly autumn weather. This combination is also great for days when you want to add some color to your outfit, since the jumper can be matched with a bright red, pink, yellow, or any other vibrant color turtleneck. In this case, go for a neutral-colored garment, so that your outfit won’t look overly extravagant, but if you have a strict dress code that you have to follow, such as at the office or at school, the black and white combination is always the best option. The most suitable pieces for this styling are Tara’s Irish crewneck sweater and V-neck garments; just make sure that the sweater that you’re going to combine the turtleneck with is big and large enough, so that your outfit would look chic and stylish. As for the bottoms, pair this outfit with jeans, trousers, skirts, or any other piece depending on your fashion preferences and where you're going to wear this attire.

Irish Sweater and Dress:

Irish Sweater Cardigan with Dress Combo

Despite how simple it is to style, the mix of a big sweater and a thin, flowing dress looks like you put a lot of thought and work into it. A jumper can go well with dresses of any length and, if needed, it can also make the outfit look more modest and discreet. If you would like to recreate this outfit, choose Tara’s chunky turtleneck Irish sweater or go for an Aran wool cardigan that will make an accent on your waist and will replace a jacket. It is perfect for early September when the warm, sunny days are still there, and it can be worn anywhere, depending on the style and color palette that you're choosing.  This combination is excellent for experimenting with different materials, such as lace, cotton, or linen, as well as synthetic textiles. You can pair it with flats or sneakers for a more comfortable, casual look, or with high heels or combat boots for an outfit that won’t go unnoticed.

Irish Sweater and Another sweater:

Irish Wool Cardigan with Sweater Combo

Because most people are used to only wearing one sweater in an outfit, this combination is a wonderful chance to try something new.  There are lots of ways to wear two jumpers at the same time. For example, you can wear one of them in the classical way while tying the other one around your shoulders and neck, which will immediately make the attire look more creative and distinctive, especially if the two pieces are made of the same material and of the same or complementary colors. Another option is to pair a classic thin sweater, like a crewneck or a turtleneck, with a bulky buttoned Irish cardigan. In this way, the cardigan can be worn instead of a coat or jacket, and it will be excellent for early fall. If you go for a cropped sweater and a longer cardigan, your legs will look longer and your waist will be accentuated, which will make you appear taller, slimmer, and more stylish.

Sweaters are perfect in their simplicity, and Irish sweaters are even better, since they are not only elegant and easy to pair with other pieces of clothing, but they also have a personality due to their historical and traditional value. Such an item is the perfect garment for the forthcoming autumn season because it is warm, fashionable, and multifunctional. At Tara, you’ll find a large selection of Irish sweaters of various designs for all tastes and budgets that will surely fit your style. If you would like to recreate a combination that we’ve mentioned or if you have a personal, distinctive idea of how you want to stylize your jumper, make sure to check out our website and create unique outfits. Happy shopping at Tara!

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